Our friends Dawn and Brian just had their beautiful baby boy, Monte Cook, yesterday. He has a full head of beautiful dark brown hair. We are so excited for them! But....unfortunatley we took no pictures of him up close. Good job to us. So I guess you will have to suffice with one of us and baby Monte.

P.S. Reasons for lack of posts in the past month = school, work (lots and lots of it for Adam), internship, and sleeping....that is our life as of now.
I was going to say, man you sure know how to keep a secret! Not only that but you look amazing after just delivering too! haha
haha I was thinking the same thing! "Geez Jess when did this happen" LOL What a sweet little baby. I hope school and everything isn't keeping you too busy:) Enjoy the upcoming Rexburg winter! Are you guys going to Medford for X-mas?
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