After Portland it was down to Medford with my mom where I just relaxed and helped her do a few things at work. We also celebrated my brother Grant's birthday and I have to post the picture of his cake on here. My Dad has always made our cakes, and he is pretty amazing. This year he did the joker from The Dark Knight. It turned our pretty cool.
It was sad to say goodbye to my family, but it was time to go. I met Adam in Utah and we spent Easter and a few days with his family. We had a great time there seeing all our cute nieces and nephews, and especially Adam's sister Brooke's new little baby, Olivia. She's one pretty baby, but unfortunately, I have no picture. Thanks also to my great mother-in-law and sisters-in-law for the fun shower they gave me! It was fun to see family and friends again.
We also went to a Jazz game. I have never been to a professional basketball game before so that was pretty fun. It's exciting to be there and to be a part of the crowd.
Now, we're back home and tomorrow we begin packing to move in a week and a half! It will be a busy next couple of weeks, but we're excited none the less (anxious, nervous, etc...).