While Phil and Corinne were here Corinne took these beautiful pictures of my little ones. I love looking at them. I love to see Gavin's sweet smile, and his silly batman pose. I realize he's not a little toddler anymore, but a handsome little boy with so much energy and joy inside of him. I love to see Ruby's little baby cheeks and bright eyes. I think of the future these two have ahead of them, and how important my role as their mother is. I think of how fast time is going by, and sometimes I wish I could just freeze it, and have them little forever. I love their innocence and purity. I love Gavin's excitement for life...seriously he is one expressive kid. I love listening to him talk and love our simple conversations about things like the sweet sticky hand he got with dad at the pizza place. He makes me smile, and I can't believe how fast he is learning and growing.
I love when Ruby is sad and Gavin starts singing "twinkle, twinkle, little star" or "rock-a-bye baby" to comfort her. He loves, loves his sister and is so cute with her. He is great at making her laugh....especially in the car. It's the best sound in the world.
I love watching Ruby roll and scoot around all over the place and then get so mad because she can't crawl yet. I love her sweet smiles and cute little laugh. I love holding her at night and kissing her soft cheeks.
I love being a mother to these two little people. They make me smile, and cry and feel so many emotions. I'm not sure I will ever be able to fully express how I feel about them. As I look at these pictures I feel so blessed and am so full of gratitude that they are mine and that I get to be with them everyday.
Thanks Corinne for capturing their sweetness and personalities.