Monday, January 28, 2008
Goodbye to an Amazing Man

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Good old Rexburg winters!
A few days ago Adam and I were getting ready to go to the store. It was about 8:30 p.m. and it had been snowing for most of the day. But, when we went outside it was raining! It was so cold outside that the rain would freeze right as it hit the ground or.....the cars! So we began to try and use our ice scrapers to get rid of the ice on our windshield, but no luck. Our whole car had been frozen in a big sheet of ice. We acutally had to crack the ice to get it off. It was the weirdest thing! The ice then would come off in big sheets. In the 3 or 4 years I have been in Rexburg now, I have never seen this! After about a half an hour of trying to get all the ice off our car we decided not to go to the store since the roads were so icy, and it was still raining. After this experience Adam told me how they had ice storms all the time in Tennesse when he was on his mission. It would rain and everything would be frozen. Pretty crazy!

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Happy New Year!
The past couple weeks we have been in Utah visiting Adam's family for Christmas and New Years. We had a lot of fun, and minimal sleep. The week after Christmas we spent almost every night playing games until about 2 in the morning, and then waking up at 10-10:30 the next day. Oh the fun of having nothing to do! We loved spending time with Adam's family, and getting to see our new nephew, James, and how much our little nieces are growing! We are so grateful for family and for the good relationships that we have.
Now that our long extended vacation is over we are back here in Rexburg! We are excited to start back up in school and continue on towards graduating! We are finally all moved in after Adam and I moved all our furniture up to our apartment on the 3rd floor. Our bodies are recovering from the couches, table, desk, dressers etc... that we carried up by ourselves! We were quite proud of ourselves when it was all done.
Here we are on Christmas Eve. It was definitely a white Christmas!

Here I am with two of our nieces Natalie and Hailey

Natalie giving the thumbs up!
New Years Eve with Adam's mom, and his brother Dustin, and wife Letitia in the back!
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