So, I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the product testers for the new Puj Tub. It is designed for a baby 0-6 months old, and helps keep your baby safe and comfortable while bathing him. So, tonight we tried it out for the first time. It worked well. It didn't really fit in the sink in our bathroom (I think our sink is a little smaller than most), but we were able to use it in our kitchen sink. That sink was a little big, but it worked out. The tub was secure the whole time, and I really like the fact that I could have water in it to keep my little guy warm. It was nice not having to take the time to fill up a regular bath tub; the puj was quick and easy. But, since my baby has been used to taking a bath in a regular tub now with room to move around and splash, it was a little bit different for him, but he had no complaints. The Puj tub is really durable and it is really easy to store. I love that I can just hang it on the back of the bathroom door. I don't have a lot of space where I live, so it is great to not have a huge baby tub with no where to store it.
I think the Puj tub is a great product, and I would suggest it to other moms. I don't think I will use it with my baby anymore right now because he is at the stage where he just wants to splash around and kick his legs and arms all over the place (he is 3 1/2 months, and quite the mover). So, the Puj tub made it a little hard for him to do that. But, I do wish I had this tub when he was a brand new baby. He hated baths for the first month or so, and I think this would have really helped him to have a better experience. I know I would have felt like I had more control, and that my baby was a little safer.
Check out the Puj Tub for yourself at the new web site exclusively for
baby bath tubs!
Here's a video from Gavin's bath time, using his new tub!