Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, we are officially moved into our new place (a little town home we are renting.) We have been painting and bringing over boxes for the past week or so, and we are now actually living in it! We still have lots to do, but it feels good to be settled, and know we will be here for the next four years.

Adam worked hard the other day cleaning out our storage unit. It was gross!

We did lots of painting. This is the beginning stages of baby boy Gerber's room.

And a belly shot at about 37 weeks. The end is in sight!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Toes Still Visible......barely

We are getting so excited for this little guy to be here! Just a little longer....and as I wait I will be reading this
To Prepare for this Can't wait!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July weekend

We had a great 4th of July this year. Adam had the day off on Friday, so the whole office went up to Lake Erie for the day. We ate lunch, played in the water, played beach volleyball and just relaxed. It was a nice break for Adam. Saturday he worked and we went to dinner with some friends and, of course, watched some great fireworks. No 4th of July is complete with out them!

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Dad! I love you and am so grateful to have such an amazing man as my dad. Have a happy day!