This month has flown by! Probably because we have been spoiled with visitors. I was lucky enough to have my best friend, Liz, come out and visit for a week at the beginning of October. We had so much fun catching up, going to the movies, Amish country, Kirtland and just relaxing. We loved having Liz in our home, and just wish we could live closer.
Sadly I didn't get one picture of us together.
Gavin loved having Aunt Liz around.
He also loved his first pony ride in Amish country.
We went on a fun little buggy ride.
And got to see the giant horse. He really is huge!
After Liz left the week was full of things to do before my parents came. Gavin was a big goofball from the moment he saw them. He definitely likes to show off for company and give his big cheesy grin.
We had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa. We went on some walks/runs through the metro parks, followed by stops at the bagel shop for breakfast. We went to dinner, Amish country, Kirtland, and did plenty of shopping.
{Most of these pictures are not in a very good order etc... I have some major issues with blogger and contemplate punching my computer every time I try to re-arrange them, but that is a different story. ;) Apparently I am not as computer savvy as I thought. }
Gavin loved helping Grandpa in the kitchen while he made his yummy brownies.

Little G wasn't too sure about that pony for some reason, but every other animal he loved....almost a little
too much. That poor little bunny doesn't know whats coming. Once G had a hold of him we couldn't get him to let go. He finally loosened his grip and that little bunny quickly ran for his life into the corner and we moved on to see the puppies. :)
This is the sweet buggy and Amish man that took us on a tour of the farm and drove (er..buggied) us over to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins.
I love Amish country. It is so beautiful, and I have been lucky enough to go a few times already since we have lived here. Maybe the next time Adam will get to join in on the fun.
And, Kirtland...... every time I go, I learn something new and love the spirit that is there. It is such a blessing to live so close to some amazing church history sites.
My family loves trains. My Grandpa was a big fan, so they have special meaning to our family and the train that passes through in Cleveland is one you can't pass up.
Gavin loved the train and would just stare as it drove by.
Hey, it's Adam! He joined in on some of the fun the last few days my parents were here, but the rest of the week he had about 6 tests in a row, so he was busy studying. Poor guy. He is such a hard worker.
Oh how I love kisses from my little G.
And, he loves going for runs in that thing, even if it was only 40 degrees. What a trouper.
Little G was the cutest monkey for Halloween.
We had a great time at our church Halloween party....a chili cook off, hayrides, and a balloon room, which was this little monkey's favorite part of the night.
Gavin's little friend who was the same cute little monkey. (Just a smaller version.)
And what is Adam supposed to be you may ask. He was known as Billy Rae Cyrus by most people. He found a long hair piece laying around our house and whipped up a sweet mullet look.
Whew...I Think that sums up our month of October. We we're thoroughly spoiled with great company, and can't wait for next time.
And now, after almost 2 hours of updating this blog, my little one is sure to awake soon, and I am surrounded by junk that needs to get packed up so we can move. Yes, we are in the process of moving this week.....just to a new town home (same complex) that preferably doesn't leak in the winter and smell like mildew. Hooray!