Monday, January 31, 2011

What We Did in January

Well, January came and went. Nothing too exciting going on here, but here are a few of the happenings in our home.

Trying on Daddy's clothes

Eatin' some cheese while preparing to watch Jimmer (and the rest of the BYU basketball team)
Playing outside in the snow. This little man could live in an igloo. Warm or cold, he loves to be outside.
Reading naked....of course
Taking lots of baths and playing in the bubbles
Snackin' on some chips and salsa
And playing in boxes.
We are ready for February...maybe we'll get out of the house more this month ;)


Lizzy Jones said...

Oh!!! He is adorable!!! I miss him so much! Did you get my post card? Hope so. Miss you!

Kristie said...

absolutely LOVE the BYU Jersey! cute!