Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween in Oregon

One of our last moments in Oregon at Grandma and Grandpa Merrill's house was spent doing a little Halloweening. We carved pumpkins. Ruby was the cutest little elephant ever. Gavin was the scariest ghost you've ever seen...seriously...he had some crazy ghost eyes. He had fun trick-or-treating and checking out all his candy. Ruby was pretty excited about his candy pile as well.

 Ruby was a little cautious about Gavin the whole night. She kept staring at him, and pointing at his face...wondering who was really under that white face.

 I know Ruby's head is totally blurry, but I love this pic with Gavin giving her a little taste of his sucker.

1 comment:

Jenny G said...

She really is the cutest elephant. She looks just like Lucy did checking out the crazy costumes. Love this age.