*How long have you been together? We started dating in June 2005, and were married in December 2005....so....almost 3 years!
*How long did you date? Well 3 months before we got engaged, but 6 total
*How old is he? 24
*Who eats more? Hmmm...that depends on what we are eating! Usually Adam though.
*Who said I love you first? Adam did. I was just waiting for him to say it so I could! I was a little nervous.
*Who is taller? Adam
*Who sings better? Adam has a really good voice. And he loves to sing around the house A LOT!*Who is smarter? We are both smart in different areas. We are a great balance for each other!*Who does the laundry? I do. Once in a while if Adam wants something washed and I don't have a big load to do, he will do it, but I do it for the most part.
*Who does the dishes? I do mostly, but Adam is always great at doing them too. He always helps out, especially on Sundays!
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Adam does.
*Who pays the bills? Thats me!
*Who mows the lawn? Guess we will find out someday when we have one!
*Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time, but Adam likes to help sometimes and make his own little creations!
*Who drives when you are together? Adam
*Who is more stubborn? I will admit.....that is me for sure!
*Who kissed who first? Adam kissed me first.
*Who asked who out? Adam did. I guess he asked me out. It wasn't really very formal..."Hey, we're all going to a movie tonight, do you want to come too?" I guess that counts, huh?
*Who proposed? Adam did. On the golf course. We always would go hit a bucket of balls together while we were dating. It was a lot of fun!
*Who is more sensitive? Probably me.
*Who has more friends? We share all the same friends.
*Who has more siblings? Adam does. 2 sisters and 3 brothers
*Who wears the pants in the family? We love to share them!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Tree Hunting
A few days ago we went to get a Christmas tree! Very fun. It never takes long. My mom usually finds one that she likes and that is usually the one we get! She always picks a good one though. I love walking around the Christmas tree lots. It smells so good!

Although we won't be here in Medford for Christmas it was fun sharing a little bit of the Christmas season with the Merrill family. We love them and have had such a good time here. Thanks Mom and Dad for all that you do! We can never tell you enough how much we appreciate you.
In a few days we are off to Utah for Christmas with the Gerber family! We are getting very excited to spend some time with them and see our cute little nieces and new nephew!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Well, we had a great Thanksgiving here in Medford. I have been meaning to put some pictures up from our Thanksgiving day and write about some things I am grateful for. So, I know this is a little belated, but it is the thought that counts.
First, I am so grateful for my family. It has been so much fun spending time up here with them. I am grateful for their hospitality and kindness. Everytime I come home I realize how blessed I am with such a wonderful family.
2.I am also grateful for my brother Phil, and for his decision to serve a mission. He has been a great strength to our family and it has been such a blessing with him in Brazil.
3.I am grateful for such a wonderful husband who is so caring and gentle. He helps me to remember what is important in life and always makes me smile.
4.Finally, I am grateful for this Christmas season. It is such an exciting time with all the lights, music etc... But mostly I am grateful for the birth our Savior and the chance to celebrate it with family.
Here is a picture of my Dad working hard on his wonderful gravy. I am so grateful to have such an amazing Dad. It has been fun spending time with him for a few weeks. I love him and am so blessed to have such a patient, funny, and loving Dad.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Goodbye Las Vegas
The time has come! Adam is already done selling here in Las Vegas! He has done a great job and has worked so hard. Everday going out and knocking doors is not something I could do myself and I appreciate all the time and effort he has put into working out here. Time has gone by so quickly. We have enjoyed being here and experiencing a new place, but we are both ready to head out! We are leaving on Saturday for Medford where we will spend Thanksgiving and a few extra weeks and then its off to Utah for Christmas for another few weeks. We are excited to spend time with family and get a break (a big one) before we start off another semester at BYU-Idaho. I think we are both ready for some real fall weather as well! We love the nice 70-80 degree weather here, but as the holidays start to come we get a little homesick for the cool weather.
Also, another exciting moment (it doesn't take much to get me excited, especially when I have spent mostly all of my time here at home and working on the computer. No complaints.).......I was in Portland this past week watching my cousins while my aunt and uncle were in Hawaii. Adam stayed here in Las Vegas working hard. It was so much fun to spend time up there. I got them up and ready for school, we went and saw "Bee Movie" (very cute), went to a soccer game and mostly just hung out and relaxed. I love those kids, and it was great to see them for a week! And, how could you not love this cute little second grader Hallie....
Also, another exciting moment (it doesn't take much to get me excited, especially when I have spent mostly all of my time here at home and working on the computer. No complaints.).......I was in Portland this past week watching my cousins while my aunt and uncle were in Hawaii. Adam stayed here in Las Vegas working hard. It was so much fun to spend time up there. I got them up and ready for school, we went and saw "Bee Movie" (very cute), went to a soccer game and mostly just hung out and relaxed. I love those kids, and it was great to see them for a week! And, how could you not love this cute little second grader Hallie....

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Here are some pictures or our fabulous pumpkins! Mine is supposed to be a vampire (thanks to Adam's creativity....I couldn't think of anything!), and Adam's....a very scary face! He spent forever working on it. He kept drawing and drawing until he came up with the perfect face. I think it looks pretty good!
Here are the pumpkins before......

and after!

Very scary!

and after!

Very scary!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I love Sundays! Relaxation... and it is great to spend some time together. All month Adam kept asking me when I was going to make his favorite cookies. They are the sugar cookies that my mom used to always make. And they are the best I have ever had. But they do take a little bit of time to make- rolling out the dough, cutting out the shapes and then of course to frost them. Don't get me wrong they are fun to do, just a little extra time and energy than your basic chocolate chip cookie. So I finally decided to whip these up on Sunday when I knew Adam would be home to help me frost them since I always frost them alone. It was a lot of fun frosting away together and took a lot less time! And they were delicious.. yes they are already gone.

Sunday, October 14, 2007
BYU Game
Last night we went to the BYU vs. UNLV football game. Adam got tickets a few weeks ago and then a couple days before the game he was working and some guy had about ten extra tickets and when Adam told him he was going to the game he gave him two! So, Adam's brother Dustin and his wife Leticia came down from St. George for the game. That was fun to see them, and we had great seats only six rows away from the field! And, BYU won...yay!!

Night on the town
A couple of weeks ago we went to downtown Vegas. It was fun to walk around for a while and see all the huge hotels and lights. We went and saw the water and light show at the Bellagio hotel, which was really fun! But, the best place was the M&M store called M&M World. It is four stories high, and full of everything from clothes to toys etc... M&M style. On the second floor there is a wall with every color of regular and peanut M&Ms ever made. Very exciting- if you are M&M fans like we are (Especially Jessica)!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Weekend in Medford

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to Oregon for a few days. Jessica's brother Phil is leaving for his mission to Fortaleza, Brazil on September 25th. He spoke on Sunday in church, and did an awesome job. He is so excited and prepared to leave and to serve the Lord. We are very excited and proud of him! It was also fun to see some relatives for a few days and spend time with the family. We had fun going to breakfast at Roosters, shopping, swimming and enjoying spending time together.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Nauvoo Family Reunion
Well, we finally made a blog. Yay! Hopefully we will keep up with it faithfully and will keep it exciting! We recently just went to Nauvoo for a family reunion with Jessica's family. It was such an awesome experience and so many fun memories. We definitely would love to go there again someday.
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