Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fair Time!

We had so much at the fair this year. A lot of cities around Cleveland have their own little fairs called, "home days". They are perfect.....not so many people, smaller areas to cover....great for our little family. Gavin loved mostly everything besides the rides the went in continuous circles...who can blame him?! He loved the big slide and fishing though.


Gavin was having fun with some play-dough the other day. He kept stacking his plane higher and higher with different colors, and told me they were, "decorations". A guess even toy airplanes need a little decorating once in a while.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Rest of June

After our fun week in San Diego we headed back to Medford to spend the rest of the month with my parents while Adam was working in Portland. (Although, he did surprise me and drove 4 hours one Friday night to spend a Saturday with us. He's the best). We had so much fun! We spent many afternoons by the pool. Gavin and Ruby loved being in the water. We had a fun week with the Collins' and Owens' families. 

Before all the fun began, this little guy was pretty sick. He got sick the day after we got back from San Diego.  The drive down to Medford was not so much fun...a puky 2 1/2 year old equals no good. Luckily he was better within a few days and back to his normal self.

We had our traditional Rooster's breakfast. Always a must. Ruby enjoyed the yummy coffee cake.
 Gavin was ready to go after about five minutes....weird ;)
 My cute mom and Aunt Marian
 The whole gang

 Gavin and Hallie were good swimming buddies

 Skyping Phil and Corinne
 Dinner with everyone at Outback

 Gavin loved helping Grandpa in whatever he was the garage ,or in this case, setting up the sand box.

 My cousin Paige :)

 Ruby in her little cabana
 The ladies relaxing by the pool

 Betcha didn't know Adam could do this :)
 Ruby learned to climb the stairs at Grandma Merrill's house....such a big girl.

 Ruby loves her Grandpa Merrill

Monday, July 9, 2012

San Diego

Gavin, Ruby and I were lucky enough to spend a week on the beach in San Diego with Adam's family. Adam was busy at a clerkship in Portland while we were playing all day. Gavin loved seeing all of his Gerber cousins, and both him and Ruby loved the beach. Gavin spent most of his time throwing rocks into the ocean. Probably his favorite thing to do. He would wait for the waves and then throw a big rock in. He seriously would have done it all day if he could.

The week went by fast, and we were sad to say goodbye. We love San Diego and spending good quality time with the fam. Hopefully next time Dad can join us.