Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ruby is 2!

My cute girl turned two last week! She is such a joy in our home and reminds me all the time that life is for loving and playing and remembering to enjoy the simple things.  She loves to read books, or flip through them while talking about all the pictures. She loves to color. She means business when she has a crayon in her hand. I use my magic eraser almost every night after dinner to remove her crayon drawings from the kitchen floor. She starts on her coloring book, but somehow it always moves to the floor. Crazy girl. She is independent, and already wants to pick out her own jammies every night, and put her clothes on all by her self everyday. She has to climb into her seat in the car all by herself. Brush her teeth all by herself...the list goes on and on. She has the cutest little laugh. She loves Gavin and always is excited when we pick him up from preschool.
I can't imagine our home without Ruby. She is the sweetest little girl, and I am so happy we were blessed with her two years ago.
Ok, these pictures are in no order. I was too lazy to fix them.

We had a fun day at the zoo on the birthday girl's day.

She was so cute with her little baby from Grandma Gerber. Changing clothes and all.
Got some jewelry from Grandma Merrill...such a little girl.

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